Effective as of August 1, 2018
Version 4.0
Bounty Referral Program. ACX will offer a payment of $75 (a “Bounty”) for each Qualified Purchase of an audiobook produced through ACX (the “Bounty Referral Program”). Purchases on or after August 1, 2018 may qualify for a Bounty, subject to these ACX Bounty Referral Program Terms and Conditions as well as the terms of any agreements that the ACX user previously entered into with Audible. Purchases prior to August 1, 2018 may qualify for bounty payments under the bounty terms and conditions that were applicable at the time of the purchase.

Prior Bounty Program. Prior to enacting the Bounty Referral Program, ACX offered bounties under the terms and conditions of ACX’s $50 bounty program (the “$50 Bounty Program”). Purchases made from August 1, 2018 until March 31, 2019 that do not qualify for a Bounty under the Bounty Referral Program may still qualify for bounty payment under the terms and conditions of the $50 Bounty Program. Click here for the terms and conditions of the $50 Bounty Program. For the avoidance of doubt, if a purchase earns a Bounty under the Bounty Referral Program, it will not be eligible to earn a bounty under the $50 Bounty Program.

Eligibility. The Bounty Referral Program is open to both Rights Holders and Producers, who, in each case, are residents of the United Kingdom, Canada, the Republic of Ireland or the United States. Audible will provide the ACX user with a unique URL for the ACX user’s audiobook (the “URL”).

Qualified Purchases. A “Qualified Purchase” is a purchase of the ACX user’s audiobook by a customer who becomes a first-time member of Audible by accepting the Audible Service Terms and Conditions of Use, remains a member in good standing for at least 61 consecutive days and either (i) accessed the Audible website via the URL to become an Audible member and subsequently purchased the ACX user’s audiobook as his or her first purchase as an Audible member or (ii) accessed the Audible website via the URL to purchase the ACX user’s audiobook as his or her first purchase as an Audible member. Only one audiobook purchase per Audible member may be eligible for a Bounty.

Bounty Allocations. Bounties for Qualified Purchases of audiobooks produced as royalty share productions will be allocated as follows: $50 to the ACX user whose URL was used to make the Qualified Purchase and $25 to other ACX account in the royalty share associated to the production. Bounties for Qualified Purchases of all other production types will be allocated as $75 to the ACX user whose URL was used to make the Qualified Purchase.

Payment. Bounties for Qualified Purchases will be included in the ACX user’s next royalty payment and statement following the 61 consecutive day purchase qualification period.

Returns. An audiobook purchase that is returned by a customer and refunded by Audible (a “Refund”) is not eligible for a Bounty. If at the time of a Refund a Bounty has already been paid, Audible may subtract the amount of the Bounty from the ACX user’s next royalty payment.

Taxes. ACX users will be responsible for all taxes or other fees (including interest and penalties) (“Taxes”) arising from the payment of bounties. Audible may deduct or withhold any Taxes that Audible determines it is obligated to deduct or withhold from any Bounty, and payment to ACX users of a Bounty as reduced by such deductions or withholding will constitute full payment and settlement to the ACX users of the Bounty. All payments made by Audible will be inclusive of any applicable VAT or equivalent applicable sales tax or any other transaction taxes. ACX users must provide Audible with any forms, documents, or certifications as may be required for Audible to satisfy any information reporting or withholding tax obligations with respect to any bounty payments.

Disqualification. Audible may, in its sole discretion, disqualify any ACX user found to be: (i) acting in violation of these Bounty Referral Program Terms and Conditions or any other term or condition of ACX or any agreement on ACX to which the ACX users is a party, or (ii) engaging in fraudulent activity with respect to this program or any other offer or service made available through ACX. Purchases of an audiobook through the use of robotic, automated, programmed or similar methods will not qualify for a bounty payment and may result in the disqualification from this program and/or ACX account termination. If Audible determines that an ACX user did not possess adequate rights to an audiobook on which a Bounty has been paid, the ACX user will return to Audible all Bounties paid to the ACX user on the applicable audiobook in accordance with Audible’s instructions.

Termination of Program. Audible may terminate or revise the Bounty Referral Program and/or the $50 Bounty Program at any time for any reason or no reason. In the event Audible terminates the Bounty Referral Program, Audible will pay a Bounty on only Qualified Purchases made prior to the date of termination of the Bounty Referral Program.